Kelvin-Celsius -converter

With this converter, you can convert Kelvin to Celsius.

Enter K:

0K - 273.15 = -273.15°C

Check also Celsius-Kelvin -converter.

How to convert Celsius to Kelvin

0 degrees Kelvin is equal to -273.15 degrees Celsius. The temperature T in degrees Celsius (°C) is equal to the temperature T in Kelvin (K) minus 273.15: °C = K - 273,15
Examples of Kelvin to Celsius conversions:

  • 30K = 30 - 273.15 = -243.15°C
  • 100K = 100 - 273.15 = -173.15°C
  • 300K = 300 - 273.15 = 26.85°C
  • 1000K = 1000 - 273.15 = 726.85°C
Kelvin (K)Celsius (°C)Description
0 K-273,15 °CAbsolute zero temperature
255,15 K-18 °CThe temperature of the freezer
273,15 K0 °CFreezing point of water
293,15 K20 °CTypical room temperature
310,15 K37 °CAverage human body temperature
373,15 K100 °CBoiling point of water

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