Shoe size converter

With this converter you can convert a shoe size to another shoe size system. Enter the shoe size and choose which size system to change to which size system and see result. You can convert shoe size between the following systems: EU, UK men, UK women, US men, US women, Centimeters and Inches.

You can also look at the shoe size chart for different sizes of shoe size. In Europe, the size designation EU or EUR is used for shoes. The United States and Canada uses the U.S. label. In England, on the other hand, the UK designation is used. US and UK sizes also vary between men’s and women’s shoes relative to European sizes. In the vertical row of the table, you can see the corresponding shoe size in another system.

Size systemSize
UK women2.533.544.555.566.577.589.510.511.513
UK men33.544.555.566.577.588.510111213.5
US women55.566.577.588.599.51010.512131415.5
US men3.544.555.566.577.588.5910.511.512.514

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